Infinity’s land logistics is an established business unit, a combination of rail, road and multimodal transportation. We started off as a land logistics provider offering cross border solution between Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. We now possess our own fleet of prime movers, trailers, trucks, cranes, forklifts, reach stackers and containers to offer better, reliable and wider range of services to our customers.
我們擁有並經營48台牽引車和266輛拖車,其中包括 20英尺、40英尺、自卸車、翻斗掛鉤、側裝載機和自卸裝置。此外,我們還擁有和經營13輛常规卡車。今天,我們是KTMB最大的第三方運營商,涵蓋國內鐵路服務和跨境到泰國的陸橋服務。通過與KTMB的合作,我們提供集裝箱和設備來保護貨車上的貨物。
In a nutshell, our land logistics services offer cross border trucking, interstate transportation, domestic distribution, container haulage, multimodal transport, project cargo and last but not least logistics engineering.